On Dec 18th Zoe, Gavin, Kim and Dan boarded a plane in sunny and hot Sao Paulo, Brazil on route to Toronto, Canada where they were greeted by one of several winter storms that they would endure over the next month.We certainly got a dose of Canadian Winter! So much more bearable when you know that within weeks you will be back in 30 C and summer time. We got to do some tobogganing and Dan and Kim even got away on a 3 days snowboarding mini holiday while Grandma and Grand-dad hung out with Gavin and Zoe.
We spent the week leading up to Christmas and Christmas Day at Keely and Marvin's house with Dan's family. Gavin was very excited about Christmas this year and seemed to know what was going on.
We spent the week leading up to Christmas and Christmas Day at Keely and Marvin's house with Dan's family. Gavin was very excited about Christmas this year and seemed to know what was going on.

Gavin and Zoe get yet more Christmas gifts at Grandma Betts' house on their second Christmas morning.

Grandpa and Zoe enjoying time together.

We were also lucky to be able to celebrate several birthdays while up in the winter wonderland.
First (pun intended) Zoe turned ONE. Soon to be Aunt Val made Zoe an awesome Monkey cake which her and even more so her older brother Gavin loved tearing into.
Next Dan had his 35th birthday, it was his first birthday in Canada for at least 10 years.

And Gavin and Zoe's Great-Grandma Dot had a big party for her 85th birthday the day before we headed back to Brasil. It was awesome to get to celebrate it with her and all her family.