Hello Everyone!
Sorry that it's been such a long time since we've updated our blog. It is the middle of August now and we've been back in Brazil for two weeks and we've had students at school for one of those weeks!
We enjoyed a wonderful seven and a half weeks back in Canada this summer. We spent most of our time at the cottage but were able to visit each grand parent and aunt and uncle, too. To be honest, Dan and I were nervous about this summer with Zoe so close to the water. I expected that she would want to throw herself off of the dock and into the rocky water. Thankfully she was much better than we expected and neither her nor Gavin fell into the water or were injured this summer. Phew!
Gavin got a shiny, red bike at the start of the summer from Grandpa and Nana Mary which he practiced on quite a bit and is now regularly riding in Brazil. Zoe loved "mowing" the road with her toy lawn mower. The driveway was the play area of choice at the cottage this summer. Gavin and Zoe also went to two zoos this summer. This was their first time at the zoo and they thoroughly enjoyed both visits.
Family and friends was the focus of our summer and we had a wonderful visit. It's sad to think that we won't be going to Canada for Christmas this year but we're also looking forward to our cruise around the bottom of South America. The weather here in Brazil is pretty nice. Actually today it's about 24 degrees Celcius and sunny. Hopefully the "winter" will continue like this and not get too rainy and cold. We'll keep our fingers crossed. I'll now paste in some pictures above. Enjoy!