It took us about a week to get used to the time change. Our school took great care of us when we arrived. They brought us to several shopping areas and markets to buy house hold items and plants. They also took us on a trip to the Grand Palace and out and about downtown on the water taxi, sky train, etc. The kids were good sports through it all.
We live in “teacher housing” which are two condo apartment buildings surrounding a pool and playground. There’s a big parking lot where kids ride bikes, a basketball court and a field with a trampoline and soccer goals. Our apartment is nice, but bare so far, our shipment arrives this week so we are pretty excited to get all our stuff. We’ve got three bedrooms and the kids are currently sharing one so we have an extra room for visitors!!
There are tons of families who live in our complex so the kids have been riding bikes and swimming with a slew of them. Our housing area is in a large, gated community called Nichada Thani. It’s a little paradise here. Everyone rides bikes or golf carts around. There’s a beautiful lake in the middle of the community, a grocery store, Starbucks, smoothie shop, gym, etc, within the community. Just outside it are shopping malls, local shops and really anything else you might need. We live about 25 minutes by car from downtown BKK if there is no traffic. But, there is rarely no traffic so it might take more like 40 minutes to get there. A more interesting way to get down town is by a river boat.
Aunt Heather flew over from China and spent almost two weeks with us, helping us settle in. It was great to see her and she was able hang out with us, and looked after Gavin and Zoe when Kim and I were tied up with work stuff. She also celebrated Gavin’s birthday with us. Everyone here knows her now and we are excited for her to come back!
The River Boat to down town |
Gavin and Zoe at the Bangkok Aquarium |
Gavin and Isabella shared their birthday party complete with a pinata. |
Kim's moved to teach 3rd grade this year after teaching 4th for the last five years. She is enjoying the transition and has a nice class which she has had a good month with. She has gone out to play staff volleyball once and has found a little time to run.
I am getting into my groove and have started swimming a few mornings a week before school. The weather is hot but I have been running most days and and have started to take part in the “Panther Run Series” which are races put on by the school once a month. I have to keep those high-school cross-country runners honest and make them chase after this 37 year old. My math classes are going well, this year I have 3 classes of 9th graders and 2 classes of the IB higher level 11th graders. They are all great kids so far, and make teaching really easy. My colleagues in the math dept. have been very welcoming and helpful to the "new guy". Kim and I have both started taking Thai lessons so hopefully by the time people visit we will be able to say a few things.
We have a nanny/house keeper who looks after the kids after school and cleans for us. One of the best parts is that she cooks Thai food twice a week for us. Tonight she made cashew chicken and spring rolls; it was delicious!
We have a long weekend coming up this weekend, we’ll head a few hours down the coast to the beach with friends. It will be nice to get out of the city and see some more of Thailand. So far, this is a pretty impressive place for us and we’re very happy to be here. There seems to be lots of do and see here in Thailand so we're really excited for visitors! Let us know how you’re doing when you get a chance!
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